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dc.contributor.authorДолгова, Валентина Ивановна
dc.contributor.authorСаламатов, Артем Аркадьевич
dc.contributor.authorПотапова, Марина Владимировна
dc.contributor.authorЯковлева, Надежда Олеговна
dc.contributor.authorЯковлев, Евгений Владимирович
dc.description.abstractIn this article, the authors substantiate the existence of the personality qualities of future educational psychologists (PQFEP) that are, in fact, a sum of knowledge, skills, abilities, socially required qualities of personality allowing the psychologist to solve problems in all the fields of professional activities. A model of PQFEP predicts the formation of emotion-based, communicative, gnostical, motivational, practical and reflexive components. The achievement of the goal is provided by the realization of functions of propaedeutic, adaptive, prophylactic, correctional development nature, as well as by the program of PQFEP formation in which the interconnection of all forms of psychologist’s work (lectures, seminars, trainings, correction psychology work, etc.) along with the further controlling on four levels (inadmissible level, critical level, acceptable level and desirable level) is included. The process of the PQFEP-formation is provided in five stages: targeting, positive attitude formation, theoretical prerequisites formation, trial and frontal adoption. The task of each stage is decomposition of the general goal of the whole process. The result of work is an increase of the formation level of the PQFEP-components which are the following: communicative level (leadership, communication ability), gnostical level (knowledge of psychologist’s professional activity; the ability of creative usage of professional experience; psychologist’s abilities and skills; intellectual power, smart mind and creative thinking), emotion-based level (empathy; emotional resistance; independent decision-making ability), reflexive level (ability for adequate self-rating and self-regulation), motivational level (aggressiveness) and practical level (task-oriented mind).ru_RU
dc.subjectPersonality qualities of future educational psychologistsru_RU
dc.titleThe research of the personality qualities of future educational psychologists [Электронный ресурс]ru_RU
dc.title.alternativeV.I. Dolgova, A.A. Salamatov, M.V. Potapova, N.O. Yakovleva & E.V. Yakovlev // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. – 2016. - Volume 11, Issue 17. – Р. 10695-10700 . – Режим доступа: C:\Users\baturinaln\Desktop\ДОЛГОВА\Долгова В.И. для ЭБС. №2. 7.06.18\V.I. Dolgova, A.A. Salamatov, M.V. Potapova, N.O. Yakovleva & E.V. YakovlevThe research of the personality qualities of future educational psychologists.htmlru_RU

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