Drama in education as a tecnology of sociocultural competence formation by students
Кусарбаев, Ринат Ишмухаметович
Kusarbaev, Rinat
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Drama in Education as a technology of formation of sociocultural competence of students confirms the innovativeness of the content of teaching a foreign language to students. Drama in Education stimulates the formation of sociocultural competence among students of higher educational institutions. The main idea of Drama in Education is to bring out of the theory and practice of theatrical forms of art such forms of training and education that can be used for various purposes of the educational process.
Theatrical and related forms of work are applied in the pedagogical context. The formation of sociocultural competence in the process of teaching foreign languages occurs not only in the intellectual and cognitive field, but also affects the mental and emotional processes. This situation determines the integrated nature of tasks aimed at the formation and development of competence of the studied type.
The effectiveness of tasks is ensured by the use of specific principles of their creation and selection, which effectively affect the successful formation of sociocultural competence of students. Its content includes information about the culture of the country of the studied language and linguistic tools that ensure the successful implementation of acts of intercultural communication. In the course of obtaining sociocultural knowledge in various activities, the student acquires the ability to distinguish in them universal cultural and ethical, moral values and skills of readiness for communication at the intercultural and at the international level.